Tiekina te ahi kaa roa : Caring for our community

Tiekina te ahi kaa roa
Manaaki Matakāoa is a hauora Māori service that supports whānau in Matakāoa to take control of their health destinies through a preventative, proactive and holistic oranga approach. Initiating through the first Covid lockdown of 2020, Manaaki Matakāoa has protected and served the Matakāoa community through checkpoints, lockdown assistance, health promotion, vaccine access, isolation care, service coordination and community events. Our staff, leadership and governance hold strategic roles in local rugby, marae committees, and school boards. Our governance committee represents both wāhine and tāne, rangatahi, pakeke and whānau with critical health needs and are all local.
Our Services/Programmes

27 Pakiakanui Road, Te Araroa 4087, New Zealand
Or donate directly to:
MANAAKI MATAKAOA 38-9024-0343519-00