Tiekina te ahi kaa roa
Manaaki Matakāoa is a hauora Māori service that supports whānau in Matakāoa to take control of their health destinies through a preventative, proactive and holistic oranga approach. Initiating through the first Covid lockdown of 2020, Manaaki Matakāoa has protected and served the Matakāoa community through checkpoints, lockdown assistance, health promotion, vaccine access, isolation care, service coordination and community events. Our staff, leadership and governance hold strategic roles in local rugby, marae committees, and school boards. Our governance committee represents both wāhine and tāne, rangatahi, pakeke and whānau with critical health need and are all local.
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MANAAKI MATAKAOA 38-9024-0343519-00

Manaaki Matakāoa - Back Row (LtoR): Kauri Neilson (Kaiwhakapāoho), Corey Luke (Kaiarahi Kaimahi Taiwhenua), Andros Ngatai (Kaimahi Taiwhenua), Paku Kamizona (Kaimauahi), Tina Ngata (Chair) Hiria Kamizona (Kairaraunga),
Front Row: Michaella Houkamau (Kaiarahi Oranga Kopara), Sheena Luke (Poutoko) Raiha Taylor-Luke (Kaiawhina)
Ngā Kaimahi o Manaaki Matakāoa

Operations Manager
Team: Ahi Kaa/Ōranga Whānau
Sheena Luke of Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui and Ngāti Kauwhata oversees day-to-day management and overall delivery of services for Manaaki Matakāoa in addition to reporting, liaising and networking with stakeholders. Sheena also delivers, monitors and reports on the Remote Patient Monitoring Pilot Programme through Health NZ.
Sheena has in-depth on the ground experience working within the community of Matakāoa.
Tiakina te ahikāroa – Caring for our Community

Kaiārahi Ōranga Kōpara
Oranga Kōpara Team Lead
Team: Ōranga Kōpara
Ko Patangata te maunga
Ko Wharekahika te awa
Ko Hinemaurea te marae
Ko Te Whānau a Tuwahakairiora te hapu
Ko Nukutaimemeha te waka
Ko Ngati Porou te iwi
He Wiwi, He Nati, He Whanoke!
Michaella Houkamau (Ngati Porou, Kuki Airani) is responsible for all community events and programmes, facilitating Tamariki Taiea/Rehekō Rangatahi (Youth Programme) weekly, Ira Wahine and monthly Community Markets. Michaella also oversees Hineteiwaiwa (Pēpī Programme), Rongomātane (Male Programme), and Nga Tāonga o Matakāoa (Pakeke Programme) programmes within the Oranga Kopara team.
Michaella aspires for whānau to be self-sufficient, and for Te Reo Māori to be spoken in all households in Matakāoa, whether it be everyday or at the table, kōrero māori ki o tatou Tamariki Mokopuna.

Chief Finance Officer
Team: Ahi Kaa
Denise Kamizona, of Ngāti Porou, Ngai Tai, Te Aitanga ā Māhaki and Te Whānau ā Apanui is solely responsible for all financial transactions. Developing, monitoring and improving financial systems; reconciling and tracking income and expenditure; implementing and actively utilising the payroll system; monitoring the assets and managing the philanthropic profile.
Denise has completed a Diploma in Xero at the Career Academy and is currently working towards an AAT Accounting Pathway Programme.

Kaiārahi Kaimahi Taiwhenua
Team Lead, Digger Operator Maui Whakahī and Rongomātane Programme Facilitator
Team: Ōranga Whānau/Kōpara
Corey Luke of Ngati Porou is responsible for the overall delivery of the service that answers the distinct rural needs of whanau in Matakāoa. Corey is the designated Digger operator; delivers the Maui Whakahī and Rongomātane programmes.
Corey has immaculate communication skills which enables him to respond and assess any task at hand.

Data Officer/Pakeke Facilitator
Team: Ahi Kaa/Ōranga Kōpara
Hiria Kamizona of Ngai Tai and Te Aitanga ā Mahaki is responsible for capturing and reporting on data relating to the operations ensuring integrity and confidentiality of data is upheld while also providing IT support for the organisation. Hiria also facilitates the weekly Pakeke programme held on Wednesdays.
Currently working towards upgrading to a new data software system and has installed a PoE camera system calling on her extensive knowledge and skills in the data/cabling/IT infrastructure and IT networking fields.

Kaimahi Taiwhenua
Rural Community Support Worker
Team: Ōranga Whānau
Andros Ngatai of Ngāti Porou is responsible for the provision of consistent reliable general handyman repair, waste management, general labour and maintenance services to Matakāoa residents. Andros conducts the Healthy Housing assessments and installs smoke alarms.
Andros is well-known in and around the community; his aspirations for the community is to make it a better place.

Pēpi programme Facilitator and Kōpara support
Team: Ōranga Kōpara
Raiha (Liza) Taylor-Luke of Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui and Ngāti Kauwhata is responsible for the delivery of the Pēpi programme. Liza also assists the Tamariki Taiea, Īra Wahine and Ngā Taonga ō Matakāoa programmes.
Liza is passionate in supporting the key issues that support the progressive advancement and development of Matakāoa community.

Communications Officer and Hauora Challenge Facilitator
Team: Ahi Kaa/Ōranga Kōpara
Kauri Neilson (Te Whanau ā Apanui) is currently working as the communications and design officer for all things relating to Manaaki Matakaoa. Regularly updating and monitoring our social media accounts and sending out new pānui via the mailing system. Also facilitating and delivering the Hauora Challenges methodically throughout the year. Kauri has completed a Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design at Waikato University and uses these skills to design and create all things relating to Manaaki Matakāoa.
Kauri also monitors our inventory levels, making sure Manaaki Matakāoa has pharmaceuticals/PPE ready and available when required.
“Ko te ahi e kā mai rā kaua e tineia e koe, waihō hei mahi ahi mō tō kāinga”
“Never extinguish your home fires, let them burn on for the wellbeing of your community”
Our values guide every aspect of our decision making, from governance through to delivery of services. They are our compass point for navigating our pathways of support for our whānau.

To matou tirohanga - Our model of practice
Our model of practice draws from our ceremonial traditions on the marae, they guide the design of our programs and provide the basis for how new technologies and opportunities will be adapted in order to make them as appropriate for our community as possible.

Our Partners

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kawakawamaitāwhiti

SuperGrans Tairāwhiti Trust

Ngā Marae Kāenga o Matakāoa


Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Nga Tangata Microfinance

Hato Hone St John
Aotearoa New Zealand