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Manaaki Matakāoa Recognised by National Hauora Coalition for Courageous Leadership in Health

10 Dec 2022

The award, presented by MP Peeni Henare, recognised Manaaki Matakāoa's bold and innovative approach to community health.

Manaaki Matakāoa was honoured with an award for courageous leadership in health at the annual “Mana Whānau Tohutanga” awards evening held by the National Hauora Coalition to acknowledge and celebrate their provider network, GP Clinics and practices who contribute to the aspirations of Mana Whānau, Whānau Ora. Presented by Associate Minister for Health Peeni Henare, the award recognises the bold approach to caring for community which necessitated disrupting health system conventions and forging new pathways for the betterment of whānau.

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